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Language and Culture

Geospatial and geographical location of Maheshpur upazila has played a role in the formation of language and culture of the people of this upazila. This upazila is located in the southwestern region of Bangladesh. The main features of the language are similar to that of the other upazilas of Bangladesh, yet some diversity is found. For example, the language of liberation is largely absent, that is, language simplification tendency. A lot of the languages ​​of Jessore, Khulna and West Bengal of India, adjacent to the regional languages ​​of the upazila, are very relevant. The historical history of this area shows that the ancient civilization of Maheshpur is very ancient. Archaeological finds obtained in this area are shining as the carriers of ancient civilization. The contribution of the upazila in cultural circles is undeniable.

    * Upazila Shilpakala Academy, Maheshpur Besides, other cultural organizations were mentioned.



Banalata drama parliament, Maheshpur

(Bangladesh Group Theater Federation's cultural organization)


Maheshpur children-কিশোর নাট্যদল

(Child organization of Bangladesh People's Theater Association)


Place: Hamedpur, Maheshpur, Jhenaidah

Founded: 01-01-1998 AD

Operating: Passenger dresses